I have been associated with Genesis for about 20 years. In that time, by collaborating with Genesis parents in
the church I pastored as well as children and the youth were taught to maximise their potential and embrace
Christian values.
Working in tandem with Genesis disenfranchised parents have been assisted emotionally, financially and spiritually.
Briefly the things that come to mind when I think of Genesis are; compassion for children and parents, spiritual
care and integrity.
Genesis has effectively used dance, bible club in schools, finger puppets, fund raising for the forgotten in society,
counselling and bible teaching sessions as effective tools to impact the boroughs of Greenwich and beyond. I
believe and pray for more decades of Genesis impacting the city of London to even higher levels.
“Genesis has played a pivotal role in my life. Joining Genesis when I was still in primary school until I left college, I was able to learn key life lessons, values and gain lifetime friends. From there, I was introduced to stable families, examples of professional and relational success in my community and all this formed
the desire in me to succeed and the belief that I could do anything I wanted to, and that NOTHING could limit me. Today I feel proud to say I'm a doctor, and practice as a GP. I know that my foundation with Genesis was the best start I could have, despite not having the best home life, I was not left disadvantaged. I will forever be grateful to Aunty Foluke and the whole team of Genesis for their work in me!”

Genesis Impact helped me to stay on the straight and narrow. Especially, attending Crossfire at the
age of 13, working with the youth during the summers, and helping to set up the crèche. Additionally
Genesis provided me the opportunity to attend events that I wouldn’t have been able to (theatre
productions). Achieving the millennium volunteer awards also gave me a different outlook on life and
helped me to learn responsibility. I have also made some lifelong friends.
I attended a youth club organised by Genesis Impact as a pre-teen/early teen. Looking back, I love the fact that it was a place where I could be mentored, and exposed to Christian values, whilst also having a lot of fun with other kids my age. A few years later, I also spent time with Genesis Impact running an after-school club:
organising activities for, and mentoring, primary school children. This experience reminded me of the importance of devoting time in service of others - for your sake as well as those you are helping. Further, I discovered that I had a passion for teaching and encouraging children. It was also nice to give back in the same way I had been blessed.
Point of interaction: Youth club & Voluntary
Period at Genesis: 2003 - 2012
"Genesis Impact instilled a lot in me as a young person clearly highlighting to me that there was no
limit. It taught me to embrace myself and my talents whilst developing other life skills including discipline,
respect and the importance of giving back to one's community. These values have helped shaped the man
I am today.
Point of interaction: Christ Army, Ambassador, Youth
Leader and Director
Period at Genesis: Inception - May 2011
There are very few things that I feel have had such a long-lasting impact in my life as the one genesis has. It has provided me with friends who became family. It has instilled in me faith, with lessons that still resonate in my mind to this day - one particularly that comes to mind is grace. And, also, it has inspired me to want to make my own impact on the generations that follow mine, in hope that they too can have experiences that
last a lifetime.